long neck lady nft


Long neck lady is a video that shows how some people might depict Mary, the mother of Jesus.The video has something to do with the idea that maybe Mary was just a regular woman who had a long neck.

 Image source: https://womanofsolana.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Untitled-design-7-1.png

This is not very common but still has been done in some paintings and other forms of media. It is always interesting to know what different interpretations people would have from one standard character like this. Such as, if she was depicted as a Middle-Eastern woman and was surrounded by Islamic symbols such as stars and crescents, it would be quite easy for someone to associate her with being Muslim or Arab.

As for the image, it is interesting to note that Mary is typically depicted as a typical woman with curly hair dressed in a long flowing garment. Mary would usually have her arms folded, but here she has them outstretched and open. This is strange. Why would someone portray Mary with her hands stretched out? Could it be that she had a spine problem and needed to spread her arms out to gain access to something? Or maybe it was just that the person portraying her was so nervous he needed his hands free? You can view this video below. [To see other related articles on Wikipedia or Image Search, search for],long neck Lady Nft]

Image source: https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/5-nft-drops-to-watch-right-now-feb-21-23-4bbf12e5efbf?gi=159e4c055701

The story is that: "The lady with long neck...was found in the woods behind the local swimming hole. The woman's beauty was beyond description, and it was assumed she was some sort of goddess by the men who found her."

Her skin has a greenish hue as well. Perhaps this is to imply that she is not real, but rather just a statue or something made out of stone. There seems to be no other indication that she might be alive.

 Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=nft+monkey+art&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6h96dkJv3AhXs4jgGHeJrDIMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=688&dpr=1.25#imgrc=RFKMMP-v_g3IwM

The people who go searching for Mary seem to think they have found Jesus himself, but they maybe should have looked at the mother instead. It seems to me that she is more likely to be Jesus' mother. She does display a number of traits of being his mother, such as the green skin, long neck and raised arms.

Why would Jesus have an ordinary looking mother? He is the son of God, the one and only son of God. Yet, Jesus' mother just looked like any other woman from Earth who had a child from a man.

This is not very popular in modern society, but it makes sense for people to also depict gods on Earth with sons and daughters. It really doesn't seem correct for an 'almight god' to only have his children as angels or imaginary beings, flying around in the sky above us all...

Also, anyone can see that what we have here is only a woman with a very long neck. She is beautiful and the only sign of her being divine or anything other than real are her emerald green skin and the arms stretched out in front of her.

Image source: https://abduzeedo.com/hapebeast-prime-8k-unique-nfts-

This could be interpreted as praying, but then again it can't be because nobody would pray with their arms stretched out like that.

The event that this story takes place in is also interesting to think about. This video shows a few men who tell others they found Jesus while they were out in the woods swimming...or relieving themselves at the beach or something like that. They then have the nerve to ask others to pay them for what they found. This seems quite absurd, or even evil. How would anyone think this is a good idea?

 Image source: https://solsea.io/nft/DMsoPkE986AiKkWrkhhD7tFR9n1Coup67u7xzQPkP86t

I'm sure they were hoping that in the future Jesus will appear to them and they will be able to pay him back by doing things such as making more money or being more successful at whatever it is they do. Maybe they'll go on a quest and find a mystical object of gold and rub it on their bodies so that Jesus will appear to them in his form of gold -- with wings and everything. Maybe he'll be able to make them into like a god.

It's unbelievable that people wouldn't think to at least give Jesus some money to keep Him happy, but they did this and thought they'd get back a reward in the future. They probably didn't think much about what Jesus would really be doing with the money. While this story is just fiction, it does bring up an interesting idea that we all have access to Gods and Goddesses whether we believe in such things or not...even if you don't believe in religion at all.
